My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Monday, May 15, 2006

From Friends to Lovers: Does it Work?

Last week I was visiting Princess Dominique's blog like I normally do several times a week and one of her posts sparked this week's topic-what happens when you go from being friends to lovers. I've always had males as friends since as long as I can remember. I have several male friends who are like brothers to me. There's nothing they wouldn't do for their girl and the feeling is mutual. So this post isn't about those type of male friends. I want to talk about the male friend who you may have had some type of romantic thought about but instead of either one of you acting on it, you kept it in the "friend" category.

Maybe I'm the only one who has experienced this, but I do have one male friend who makes me consider crossing that friend line. He's not who I would consider the type of guy I would normally date (he's a few years younger/more kids than I would know what to do with/and he's an ex-thug) but underneath the persona he portrays to the public, he's like a big old teddy bear--he's caring, he's a good father to his kids, and I would definately feel secure if faced with a life or death situation because he can handle his own against anyone, and did I mention that he's extremely sexy in more ways than one. I feel free to voice this because he only gets online to check email and I know he won't be reading this blog (smile).

There's a thin line between going from being friends to lovers. What if things don't work out? Will you lose a good friend? Can it ever go back to the way it used to be? Is it really worth losing a friend over?

But on the other hand, who knows you better than your friend? Doesn't it make it easier if you're friends first? Shouldn't your mate be your best friend anyway?

The Nikki questions for the week: Have you ever gone from being a friend to a lover? If you're no longer together, are you still friends? What were some of the pros and cons?

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