My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Be Real and Get Real Results

This topic was originally posted last week. It seems the conversation is getting good, so I'll leave it up again for the week of April 17th. Read on...

I was reading this article by Natlie Krinsky that someone emailed me. The subject of the article was about the dating games men and women play. It made me wonder, why do we even have to play games with one another anyway.

The article gave several examples of how playing this dating game would entice the opposite sex to be even more attracted to you.

For example, for the ladies, she mentions, "Never give out your number, even to guys you like;" Instead get their's. I agree with that.

The article goes on to say that "You don't always have to be yourself." I totally disagree with that statement. I don't believe in playing games. Be real and get real results.

Are we getting the fake version of a person when we're dating? Is that why men and women both say after being with someone for sometime that the person changed?

A player is someone who is used to playing games and he or she uses the moves they think will give them the upperhand on their prey. Grant it, no one wants to get hurt and you should protect yourself, but still there are no reasons to "play games."

To avoid a lot of frustrations, if people are REAL with one another, it would eliminate some of the heartache and frustrations we go through.

The character Nikki in My Invisible Husband is a master game player. She got so caught up in her web of deceit, that she even begin to believe the lies.

I truly believe that if you are real with people, then you will get real results. Either that person will accept you at face value or move along.

The Nikki questions of the week: Do you "keep it real" in your relationships or are you a game player? Why or why not?

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