My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Monday, February 06, 2006

Blind Dates - To Go or Not to Go

Friends and family mean well when they try to introduce you to other single men that they think or feel you’ll be interested in. However, I’ve found that people really don’t know you as well as they think they know you when it comes to picking the ideal date for you.

Nikki’s sister Adrienne insisted on fixing her up on blind dates. Most of those dates ended in disaster. Instead of Nikki telling Adrienne “no I don’t want to go on another blind date”, she would usually go along with it and ended up feeling miserable afterwards.

The "Nikki" questions this week: Have you ever been out on a blind date? How do you handle a blind date disaster? Should you be mad at the person who set up the blind date or yourself for even going?

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