My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Monday, January 16, 2006

What Is Your Type?

Nikki, got involved with a lot of "wrong men" because she kept dating "her type."
How many times have you dated someone because you considered them to be "your type?" Sometimes people get involved with "their type" and then the relationship doesn't work. They again find another person with the same qualities they consider "their type" and end up in another dead end relationship. Well if YOUR TYPE is not working out, maybe you need to change your criteria of what you're looking for in a mate, because maybe "your type" isn't working for you.

Women, if you only date men who are over 30 but younger than 35, you may be short changing yourself. The man for you might be 36 or 29. What if the man for you is a "blue collar" worker instead of part of the "white collar" world? Shouldn't him being a hard worker, making an honest living count for something? Do you only date men who are tall versus short? Your Mr. Right, might be in a smaller package.

Men, you say you don't want a "gold-digger" but are you really looking beneath the surface or do you only want a showpiece? Most women are independent, so men are you able to deal with the whole woman? If you treat her right, she will allow you to be the "king" in her world.

The "Nikki" questions this week: Are we too judgmental when it comes to looking for "our type?" What are some things you "just can't do without" in a potential mate?

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