My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bridezillas - Do You Know One?

Before I go into this week's topic, I want to thank everyone who participated in last week's poll: How long should a couple know each other before they get married?

40 percent said 2 years, another 40 percent said "length of time doesn't matter" and 20 percent said 1 year. No matter what time frame, all agreed that you should take the time to know your partner (beneath the surface) before making the big leap.

Now on to this week's topic. Bridezillas is a show about "brides to be" that are probably nice under normal circumstances, but the stresses of planning a wedding make them out to be not just the equivalent to a female dog, but "Bridezillas."

How can someone take a joyous occasin and turn it into an event from hell? Only Bridezillas can answer that question. The show airs on WE Sunday Nights @ 10 p.m. eastern.

Okay, I have a real life Bridezilla in the sister-in-law to be. Now I'm not saying anything here that I hadn't told her (just in case you're wondering). Prime example: She asked me to do their wedding invitations. I agreed. Well one day she came over and I was in the middle of working on something else and because I couldn't take time to discuss her wedding, she snapped and said, "that's okay about the invitations, I'll have my dad do them."

Now this y'all came from left field...I'm like...WTF. Then I thought about it and was like less thing for me to do. Well needless to say, a few weeks later, Bridezilla had to come back to me to get those invitations done. Did I gloat or throw it up in her face? I could have, but being the nice and sweet person that I am, I just told her about being a Bridezilla and did the invitations (which by the way turned out so cute if I do say so myself). I have several other examples of her Bridezilla behavior that made me wish I had a hidden video camera to tape her 24/7. Needless to say, she and my brother aren't the only ones who will be happy when D-Day gets here.

The Nikki questions for the week are: Do you know of someone who got on your last nerve while planning their wedding? Were you a Bridezilla when it came down to your wedding?

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