My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Monday, May 02, 2005

REWARD - It's All About You
***Passed to me, so I'm passing to you.
Reward. Give yourself something that makes you smile. A banana split with all the toppings, an afternoon doing absolutely nothing. Reward yourself for a job well done. Reward yourself for getting through a terrible ordeal. Take a dollar or five or fifty and reward yourself for being wonderful, for being phenomenal, for finishing what you started. Reward yourself for being the best mother, the best friend, the best sister, the best aunt, the best you. Better yet, reward yourself for nothing in particular, for just being you. Reward yourself for letting the house go without cleaning, for letting the wash sit an extra day. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers at the supermarket or, better yet, send flowers to yourself. Remember to write a lovely note and sign it

Have a rewarding week, unless of course, you have other plans!

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