My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Monday, December 11, 2006

My First Tea Party

When you were a little girl, did you ever play the "tea party game" with either other friends or your dolls? Well, I did, so to get an invitation to my first tea party as an adult was a thrill for me. I attended my very first adult tea party on Sunday in Longview, TX -- officially called "A Tea and Conversation."

I want to thank the hostess and the other ladies for making me feel right at home. I was a little shy at first but when they called me up to talk about My Invisible Husband, I forgot all about being shy.
I came away with not only a cute tea cup and new readers, but hopefully some new friends.
I'm inspired to have my own tea party. The next time it's my month to host for my local book club, I think I want to have a tea party.

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