My Invisible Husband

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My Invisible Husband

Monday, September 18, 2006

Lyric James has this on her blog so I thought it would be fun for us to do here. Tell me Something...10 things. I'll start it off.

10 Things About Me:
1. My nickname is Ebony Eyes or Ebony for short
2. I am petrified of spiders (okay let me be real...of all bugs)
3. I can type 80 words per minute
4. I was on the debate team in high school
5. Speaking of high school, I did the benediction at my high school graduation.
6. I was part of a singing/rap duo...we were going to be the next Salt N Pepper.
7. I was part of the SU Homecoming court as Ms PCA (representing my hometown).
8. I have a crush on Cedric Ceballos(who is that...only the cutest guy who ever played in the NBA).
9. I am a Lifetime Movie holic...if I watch TV, more than likely I'm watching a lifetime movie (well that's when CSI or The Unit isn't on)
10. I have no kids and it doesn't bother me not to (I got asked that question so many times this past week that I thought I would address it...although I doubt if they read my blog).

Okay...Your turn.

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